Curate Your Life


I love to continually return to what I have written on blogs and social media,  and revisit my earlier thoughts; preserved through the wonder of this electronic medium…too much of the stuff on Facebook is evanescent and fleeting. I enjoy coming back to these posts again and again to lovingly curate them. They never exist in isolation as mere written words. They are intimately connected to both the sharer, and the friend with whom they are shared…a living witness and testament, as David Whyte might say, to the everlasting power of friendship.

I want to savor the reminder of those who I have met along the way, and leave footprints in the sands of these shoals. A fond reminder of lives we have touched and those who have touched our own lives. A crying out against the painful brevity of life and an affirmation that there are others like us out there in the ether. They are like living and breathing paintings writ on a digitized easel. Their colors are iridescent; wild in their longingness for life.  I constantly and lovingly edit them…invited by their energetic presence to further endow them with artistic meaning. I burn with all-consuming fire to elaborate on them – to deepen their original meaning and intent. These words are constantly evolving, both through conscious attention, and also through their mysterious power to grow in spiritual strength over time. The greatest and most rewarding part of this process is the vital interchange of ideas with others, who are not really others, but ourselves disguised. But I do not want to stop there.

No…I want to use the ideas I gather from being in this wondrous forum as a catalyst for interesting life adventures both far and wide. To get away from the keyboard, and give those dew speckled begonias some love. To get out in the dirt and muck in the middle of a rainstorm, and give appreciation to the universe for the mindboggling totality of it all. To climb a colossal redwood tree in the middle of a thunderstorm and howl joyously out into the void, like the great John Muir did. To peer into the endless ineffability that it is a spider’s web. To bend down and gently kiss the iris, nature’s most underappreciated flower. To all my virtual and real world friends, thanks for sharing these moments of spirit and joy with me. You make this journey we call life even more worthwhile.