Gratitude Unbound

Consciousness, Poetry, Spirituality, Writing
(Image: “Turning Contrast into Gratitude”, Amrita Grace.)
Gratitude brings us immense joy
when we see the delicate magic in its translucent wings
that flit quickly past in our field of attention
sprinkling our eyes with stardust, and allowing our vision to expand.
We then have the startling realization,
that we are swimming
in an endless sea of divine blessings.
Something wondrous is awakened
possibly for the first time in the painful brevity of our lives
wonder comes alive in our mind with sharpened senses, refined by grace
which gives us the power
to behold a multiplicity of kindnesses.
We become intrepid soul explorers
Intimately tracing the subtle, ever-changing geography of bliss
by expanding the limits of our vision.
We can still perceive ugly truths
when judgment displaces generosity of spirit
otherwise, the all is seen for what it truly is.
We see the cosmos as good and bounteous
every little experience is understood to nourish the soul
this, in spite of the well-meaning admonitions of others.
These bosom friends, who we hold in great esteem,
warn us away from soul lessons
because, friends though they may be
they lack a certain spiritual perceptiveness.
Namely, the ability to understand
that contained in even that which is judged to be horrific
is a certain divinity, able to only be discerned
by those with intuition enough
to glimpse into the mind of that who we might call God
even though we are not big enough to name this thing
that is too big to be named.
They do not yet understand the greatness of the cosmic map
These beloved companions
see only treacherous shoals, upon which,
our pitiful vessel buffeted on all sides,
by waves of unimaginable power,
will be utterly destroyed,
and our dreams with it.
We, on the other hand
see goodness everywhere
our bounteous joy expands, and our
eyes agog with a million and one exquisitely beautiful examples
that are a part of our lives every day.
Nothing but goodness
nothing but kindness
we train ourselves to perceive the hidden good
that is contained in the unfathomable depths of the ordinary.
We set out on a venture to encounter goodness
anywhere and everywhere we look.
The stones arrayed in simplicity at our feet
sing to us hymns particular to their singular place in the celestial hierarchy.
No good thing will escape our sight
we increase our joy beyond measure and see delight everywhere
when we sip the indescribably sweet wine of gratitude.
We rediscover the eternal part of ourselves,
and we wear the filigreed garments
of ecstatic awareness,
when we are grateful for every part of existence.
We array ourselves in this sort of splendor,
everyone and everything who enters our field of vision becomes a god of sorts,
but a god, nevertheless
worthy of our devotion.
And when we don these garments
we are only capable of seeing great joy, and an all-encompassing transcendent love
expressed in an infinitude of forms.

8 thoughts on “Gratitude Unbound

  1. Hi there! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your blog post… To say it is great (not just this post, all of yours!) is an understatement. You are really talented.

    I should mention that because of how much I loved this post of yours I had to check out your blog and I couldn’t help but follow you because your blog is both amazing and beautiful! I am so happy I came across your blog and I can’t wait to read more from you, so keep it up (:

    By the way this comment is towards all of your blog posts because they are all equally amazing and incredible, keep up the great work (:

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When I think about what an amazing event it is that I even exist I’m filled with mind-blowing gratitude. Somehow the perfect combination of an infinite number of miracles through billions of years of time had to perfectly align for this one consciousness to sit here, typing on a laptop. Each person, each bird, each flower, each stone is here by a long thread of miracles. Great post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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